
In addition to providing counselling and psychology services, we also love facilitating, teaching, educating and connecting with folks through training opportunities.

We have a strong partnership with the Northern Institute of Social Justice at Yukon University, where we offer a number of free webinars and also where we do a lot of our suicide prevention workshops as well.

As clinicians, we believe in on-going professional development, and are pleased to offer a range of both in-person and webinar-delivered trainings and learning opportunities. We are able to provide a range of suicide education workshops through our affiliated membership with LivingWorks education; from our library of developed webinars through our partnership collaboration with the Northern Institute of Social Justice at Yukon University, and we are open to discuss how our knowledge and expertise could be applied for any other psychoeducational trainings. Please contact us to discuss how our training content might fit for you. 

LivingWorks affiliated workshops: 
  • ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training), 
  • safeTALK,
  • SuicideTALK, follow-up / debriefing for LivingWorks START program
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ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first aid. ASIST teaches participants to recognize when someone may have thoughts of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety. Although ASIST is widely used by healthcare providers, participants don't need any formal training to attend the workshop—anyone 16 or older can learn and use the ASIST model.

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safeTALK is a half-day alertness training that prepares anyone 15 or older, regardless of prior experience or training, to become a suicide-alert helper. Most people with thoughts of suicide don’t truly want to die, but are struggling with the pain in their lives. Through their words and actions, they invite help to stay alive. safeTALK-trained helpers can recognize these invitations and take action by connecting them with life-saving intervention resources, such as caregivers trained in ASIST.

Other workshops:

* Suicide Awareness for Youth (created by Erin & Meg)

Suicide Awareness for Youth

This workshop focuses on teaching youth about the topic of suicide through awareness facts, statistics and other relevant and current information. This helps to normalize the topic of suicide and encourage less taboo or stigma around the topic. Youth will then participate in some simple activities designed to assist them in learning more about invitations or to recognize ways in which people at need reach out for help. One of the overarching themes is that anyone can be at risk.

Helping Heightened Humans

In this 2-day workshop you will learn about fundamentals of emotional regulation, strategies to regulate yourself (and others!), and how to engage supports before, during and after an emotionally activating event. The workshop will also include approaches to managing dual relationships, the conflicting pressures of professional and personal roles, and education related to: boundary setting, empathic listening, nervous system reactions/responses, and more. Participants will also develop their own self-care plans, complete with actions they can undertake on their own, and also how-to methods for initiating care from others.

Available Webinars:
  • Sit in My Puddle: The Art of Empathy and Holding Space
  • Talking Tough (Topics)
  • Responding with Resilience 
  • Become Suicide Aware: Notice. Act. Connect.
  • How to Pick a Therapist 

Sit in My Puddle: The Art of Empathy and Holding Space

How do we support those we care about when they're in a bad place; when something terrible has happened to them; or even when they've just had a bad day?

We hate seeing people we care about struggle. We want to fix things. We want to cheer them up! So what do we often do? We hurl a ton of solutions at them. We provide un-asked for advice, share what we would do to fix things. Contrary to what we're trying really hard to do, these things are often not what our person needs and even leave them feeling more alone and unheard.

This workshop introduces you to a concept we call 'sit in my puddle'. Learn why solution giving isn't always what someone needs. Learn techniques for holding space for someone and how to become more comfortable with 'just being' in the moment with the person. Better understand how allowing someone to sit in the uncomfortable (puddle), is actually what will move them forward.

This workshop will run 1.5 hours with approximately an hour of content with room for discussion and questions during at the end of the workshop.

Talking Tough (Topics)

The skill and practice of navigating difficult conversations.

What do we do when we need to bring up a difficult topic? How do we have meaningful dialogue when the subject matter is hard to discuss?

Often we avoid initiating conversations we know are going to be hard. Maybe we do this because it’s uncomfortable, or because we have to be vulnerable and we’re ‘scared’, or maybe because we know the other person is going to have a strong reaction to our efforts. That doesn’t mean we should avoid them, and it doesn’t mean these chats are always going to be hard.

This workshop will help highlight preparing ourselves to have tough chats with others, and will help to brainstorm our own needs and best skills for being present in conversations when the topic is a tough one. The goal is to build confidence in ability to navigate important discussions – with family, with friends and even in the workplace.

This workshop will run 1.5hrs with approximately an hour of content with room for discussion and questions during at the end of the workshop.

Responding with Resilience

What do we do in times of stress? How do we tend to manage?

In this introductory-level workshop, instructors Erin Legault and Meg Grudeski, lead us in exploring a variety of challenges we experience in our world: challenges against others, with ourselves and our world around us. Ideally, we will learn to better recognize what has left us feeling so exhausted with life lately; and explore various means of tackling these challenges and conflicts with that "from-inside" resiliency that we might have to dig a little bit deeper to discover but is there.

This workshop will run 1.5hrs with approximately an hour of content with room for discussion and questions during at the end of the workshop.

Become Suicide Aware: Notice. Act. Connect

Most everyone has known someone who has suicided, or has had suicidal behaviours or thoughts. Whether you have family and friends you're concerned about, you've personally struggled, or you work in a professional capacity with people needing support; this workshop is for everyone!

We will introduce you to the topic of suicide, complete with myths, facts and stats. We then dig into the questions that most people have about suicide; what are the warning signs? How can I tell if someone is at risk? If someone is at risk, what do I do next? How do I ask if they need help? Finally ensuring that we're able to connect people in need to those who can help ensure safety for now.

This workshop will run 1.5hrs with approximately an hour of content with room for discussion and questions during and at the end of the workshop.

How to Pick a Therapist

Where to even begin when looking for a therapist?

In this introductory-level workshop, instructors Erin Legault and Meg Grudeski, lead us in exploring how to approach connecting with a therapist and offer strategies, questions and conversations starters to ensure you find a clinician that is a good fit for you, for your needs, and for comfort and success.

This workshop will run 1.5hrs with approximately an hour of content with room for discussion and questions during at the end of the workshop.