Sophia Topper

Sophia works evenings and weekends
  • Student member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (#11245665)
  • ​B.A. (hons) Arts & Science from McMaster University
  • Practicum student in the Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology through Yorkville University (anticipated completion December 2023)
  • The above is not an exhaustive list of training, education, and experience. However, in this current capacity, I am a student seeking to complete the practical requirements for a master’s degree in counselling psychology. The information provided here is for informational purposes; it is not a statement or assertion of professional designation. The information is for you to decide, whether or not, there may be a fit with your concerns. I will have onsite clinical oversight to guide/mentor me in my counselling practice.

Hi, I’m Sophia! I grew up in the Yukon before going to McMaster for my undergraduate degree. During a couple summers off, I was a student worker at Blood Ties and I decided to shift from theory to front line work. During the school year I worked as an emergency medical responder at the university. I graduated at the start of COVID and took a remote position working for a sexual assault centre giving support to survivors and helping administrate the crisis line. Remote work made it easy to move home to Whitehorse, but I’m glad to be seeing people in person now. My practice is based in empathy and warmth, with elements of compassion-focused therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy as well.

At home, I have a cat named Tippy who does his best to help me knit and sew. I also love going on baking sprees and hate doing the dishes. When I was away at school I really missed the peace and quiet of the forest so I cherish my daily walks on the trails around my house.

AReas of practice

Ignite is

We are currently seeking a full-time, experienced therapist to join our practice.

Ignite is expanding! Interested in learning more?​ Please reach out.